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60GB Upgrade Equivalent to Integral INSSD60GS25MXP2 Memory

Here at Memory Active, we've got over fifteen years' experience in bringing you top quality memory upgrades at great prices. The below parts are guaranteed compatible with manufacturer code INSSD60GS25MXP2. If you're not sure if this is the right memory for your machine, please use our Configurator to identify it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

 CodeForDescriptionCapacityKit OfPriceInc VAT 
close   Integral P Series 2 SSD 2.5in SATA (Sandforce Chipset)
INSSD60GS25MXP2 memory - MI INSSD60GS25MXP2 Integral 60GB Integral P2 Series Solid State Drive INSSD60GS25MXP2

yes In stock
yes Guaranteed compatible
yes Lifetime guarantee
60GB 1 £97.33 £116.80 Buy

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