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About Memory Active

A solid company

Here at Memory Active, we're proud to be part of Memory Express, one of the UK's longest established and most popular computer equipment suppliers.

Solid product

We source our memory from the same high quality suppliers as the major computer manufacturers - companies like Samsung, Hyundai/Hynix, NEC/Elpida and Micron. We also supply a wide range of flash memory and Solid State Disks from Integral, Sony, Olympus and Fujifilm.

A solid guarantee

All our RAM memory is backed by our lifetime double guarantee - to work in the machine specified, for the life of the machine.

Please note all orders will be invoiced and processed by Memory Express Ltd.

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©2005-2011 Memory Express Ltd. All rights reserved. Errors and Omissions excepted. All pricing excludes VAT unless otherwise stated. Please read our terms and conditions, returns and privacy policies for more information. Some product information © 2011 Openrange Ltd or © 2011 IceCat BV and is provided in good faith. All trademarks acknowledged.

Palm Memory Gateway 2000 Memory Packard Bell Memory MSI Memory Xerox Memory IBM Memory QTek Memory Philips Memory
Tomtom Memory Gateway Memory Fuji Memory Huawei Memory Fujifilm Memory O2 Memory Oki Memory Adaptec Memory
Brother Memory Supermicro Memory ASRock Memory Grundig Memory Aiptek Memory Oki Memory Epson Memory Ted Baker Memory
Neo Memory QDI Memory AST Memory Viewsonic Memory Benq Memory Abit Memory Alcatel Memory Sendo Memory
Grundig Memory Praktica Memory Asus Memory ASRock Memory Ecs Memory Supermicro Memory Sharp Memory Sendo Memory